Inspire Health and practices within the Chesterfield and Dronfield PCN have joined up to create morning, evening and weekend access to many types of appointments on weekdays as early as 7am and as late as 8pm and also on weekends.
Inspire Health and practices within Chesterfield and Dronfield PCN have joined up to create morning, evening and weekend access to many types of appointments on weekdays, as early as 7am and as late as 8pm, and also on weekends.
Avenue House Surgery has appointments available on Tuesday and Wednesday evenings and Saturdays. Please specify when requesting an appointment if you would like us to check morning, evening and weekend appointments.
The clinician you see may be from another practice but will be able to see your notes and add the information to your regular practice - providing you give us consent to do so.
If you need to cancel a 'HUB' appointment and the surgery is closed please call 01246 957 549 and follow the instructions. This number is operational: Weekdays from 6pm.